MORTAL INSULT -- Darwin Award Nominee Snake Got Your Tongue? (1992, California) Snakes flick their forked tongues in the air to "smell" the world, collecting molecules then pressing the tips into small olfactory pits. An inebriated twenty-year-old man took umbrage when a wild rattlesnake stuck out its tongue at him. Tit for tat! He held the snake in front of his face and stuck his tongue out right back at the rattler. The snake expressed his displeasure at this turn of events by biting the conveniently offered body part. The toxic venom swelled the man's face and throat, choking him to death. -Reference San Francisco Chronicle (confirmed) --------------------------------------------+---+-+---+-+-+-+++ Win a FREE Book! DARWIN AWARDS: Evolution in Action. --------------------------------------------+---+-+---+-+-+-+-+ WIPED OUT -- Darwin Award Nominee It's still not clean! (4 September 1999, Tokyo, Japan) Shoshi was a part-time janitor until his eagerness to do a good job collided with an unhealthy inability to attend to his own safety. The elevator he was cleaning had water leaking from its ceiling, so he rode a second elevator up the shaft, climbed out its hidden side door, and hopped on top of the first elevator. As he cleaned the puddle from the roof, the car rose to the top floor, fatally crushing him. The 24-year-old had forgotten to turn off the leaking elevator before wiping up the spill, leaving the roof messier than before. Reference: Mainichi Daily News --------------------------------------------+---+-+---+-+-+-+-+ Sign up for the Darwin Awards newsletter! Email --------------------------------------------+---+-+---+-+-+-+-+ ROB PETER TO PAY PAUL -- Honorable Mention (16 July 2001, Union City, Tennessee) A woman ordered to pay off $1100 in bad checks left the courthouse, drove to her hometown, and pulled a gun on employees at the First State Bank. She fled into a cornfield with $7000, eluded the hastily-organized search party, and made her way back to Union City to pay her debt. But given the small size of her hometown, with a population of 344, it was inevitable that one of the tellers would recognize her. Police were waiting at her home to arrest her and confiscate the remainder of the money. Reference: Boston Globe MORE DARWIN AWARDS and Honorable Mentions Stay With the Herd! Wiped Out Blown Away Cable Cut Shark Petting Zoo Out of Gas Rob Peter to Pay Paul Life's a Gas Copyright 2001 by Wendy Northcutt Sponsor the DARWIN AWARDS! The website needs your help! Save your species. Sponsor the Darwin Awards and keep the lights on! * Please share this newsletter with your friends! * ---